Friday, 24 February 2017



Here are some of the fonts my group and I considered using for our title and also the font we have decided to use and why. All of these fonts are sans serif and this represents our genre. In addition, the sporty themes of these different fonts connotes the genre of our media product, which is Drama with the sub genre of sport. 

My group and I have decided to use the font Jersey M54. This is because we felt as if this font suited the title and that the other options we had looked at were more suitable in a cartoon picture or a magazine cover. In addition, we also asked some of our classmates what font they would feel would be the best to use and the vast majority agreed with us and chose Jersey M54 to be the most suitable. Moreover, on a deeper level we chose this font because of the rough edges the font has and we felt as if this linked to the film because it shows that nothing is smooth in life and there will always be challenges and obstacles in your way.

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