Title Sequences
Titles and opening sequence of a new fiction film to last a maximum of 2 minutes.
Foundation Portfolio - 120 marks
- Research and Planning - 40 marks
- Construction - 60 marks
- Evaluation - 20 marks
General research into title sequences
The Incredible Hulk - Thriller/Action (2008) Prologue
- Newspapers
- Pins, photos, classified evidence (props)
- Point of view from the protagonist (The Hulk)
- X-Rays
- Live action scenes telling the audience the narrative
- Setting up motifs
- Romantic subplot - flashbacks
- Intense parallel soundtrack - non-diegetic
Love Actually's title sequence is unconventional because it does not introduce ay characters or the narrative, but it is showing archive footage and this sets up the universal theme of the film.
David Fincher's "Seven" (1995) Title sequence - Kyle Cooper
- Close-up of the antagonist
- Parallel soundtrack
- Same font used throughout the title sequence- small writing - handwritten typography -part of the narrative
- Flashing - out of focus
- Pictures
- Abstract and raw look and effect
This title sequence stands out from most other title sequences produced due to the typography that is used. It is not big and bold and in the centre of the screen but it is small and on the side of the screen. This is very unconventional for big films because they usually have the protagonist's name in the centre of the screen to emphasise star power. An effect is also added where they flicker, this could possibly be to emphasise the names. Furthermore, the antagonist features throughout the title sequence and in this the audience gets some knowledge of how his character is.
In addition, the audience also gets some knowledge on the antagonist due to the things he is doing and using to create his "portfolio" of the one person he is obsessed about. He was using sharp objects and sharpening with his fingers, this shows the extent the antagonist is willing to go to in order to maintain his agenda. Images in the title sequence of him cutting film, writing and drawing a person's face was also shown. This tells the audience that the antagonist is after someone and that all of the things he is doing in the title sequence is about that one person.
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
In addition, the audience also gets some knowledge on the antagonist due to the things he is doing and using to create his "portfolio" of the one person he is obsessed about. He was using sharp objects and sharpening with his fingers, this shows the extent the antagonist is willing to go to in order to maintain his agenda. Images in the title sequence of him cutting film, writing and drawing a person's face was also shown. This tells the audience that the antagonist is after someone and that all of the things he is doing in the title sequence is about that one person.
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
- Filming the revealing of the title - drawn with crayon - indicates young character
- Close-up
- Grabbing on a dolly
- Moving slowly past props
- In and out of focus
Dr Strange Love (1964)
- Handwritten - big and bold - fills the entirety of the screen
- Two images blending in with each other - dissolve
Vertigo (1958)
- Extreme close-up
- Parallel soundtrack
- Moving text
American Psycho (2000)
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